
Rob Fleming

"I'm introduced to Anna. Dick brings her to the pub on a night when Barry isn't around. She's small, quiet, polite, anxiously friendly, and Dick obviously adores her. He wants my approval and I can give it easily, loads of it. Why would I want Dick to be unhappy? I wouldn't. I want him to be as happy as anybody has ever been. I want him to show the rest of us that it is possible to maintain a relationship and a large record collection simultaneously. "

(Nick Hornby, High Fidelity)

1 comentario:

  1. El sueño de muchos. Con la diferencia (física) de que hoy los discos son las más de las veces virtuales - lo que no quita, por cierto, que el espíritu imperante siga siendo el mismo. Igual de honesto y puro.
